ERGs are Not…

Employee resource groups (ERGs) go by many different names and function in different ways at different organizations. For simplicity here, I’ll define them as employee-led working groups based on social identity (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, veteran status). ERGs are often based on social identities that protected classes, but also include groups that need but don’t receive protection (e.g., parents, caregivers, etc.).You can read more about what an ERG or BRG is in a past blog post. 

Today, I’d like to talk about what an ERG isn’t.  Sometimes, ERGs find themselves in situations or roles that they weren’t intended for. ERGs can become bogged down with way too much responsibility or become merely a group in name with little to do with creating any shifts and changes in their organization.

ERGs are not groups who:

  • Simply provide the appearance that their organization cares about DEI. 

  • Put on endless events and programs and perform free labor.

  • Organizational leadership mine for information without also giving these groups power to influence systemic changes.

  • Gather to eat lunch and complain. 

  • Are overtaxed with programs, advocacy, and community service pointed toward creating a good image for the organization. 

  • Are sent out to recruit people who look like them. 

  • Are expected to be in charge of retention for the company without any changes to policies, procedures, or practices that would support the retention of said group.

  • Have no budget, no access to leadership, and no time in their schedules to meet.

  • Take on an unreasonable amount of responsibility that would be more appropriately handled by a funded department within the organization

  • Are relied upon for deliverables as if they are a contract-based working group when they are unpaid.

To be clear that there are plenty of amazing roles for ERG within an organization. But if you find your ERG engaged in any of the points above, please reach out. I’d love to help. And check out the webpage for more information on the Transformative ERG Toolkit. This toolkit will help you refresh, reframe, and create a Transformative ERG–wherever you’re at in the process. 


The Difference Between Performative & Transformative ERGs


Signs You are Ready to start a Transformative ERG