Erin-Kate Escobar M.Ed
Erin-Kate is a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion specialist and a decades-long organizer, activist, and educator. They are passionate about supporting personal growth and institutional social change towards greater equity. Erin-Kate grounds their work in fostering internal awareness towards external expressions of building better environments for everyone to thrive.
Erin-Kate has facilitated social change in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in their former role at the Caltech Center for Inclusion and Diversity. In that role, they developed mentorship programs, expanded training/workhops, and created healthy environments for women, LGBTQIAAP, and traditionally underrepresented scholars to flourish. They were a non-clinical confidential resource to support survivors of sexual assault and discrimination. Erin-Kate has collaborated with large international scientific collaborations including the Nobel Prize-winning LIGO Scientific Collaboration, expanding their expertise beyond higher education.
Erin-Kate is trained in politics, education, human development, dialogue, and social justice methodologies. They utilize the tools of intersectional feminism, social justice education, dialogue, identity (gender, sexual orientation, class, race, ethnicity, dis(ability), etc.) to support people and organizations navigating structural and interpersonal oppression. We must all do reflection work in order to build communities that will continually foster intentional and safe workspaces.
Before working in STEM-specific communities, Erin-Kate worked in development for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and as a community builder and focused on cultural competency at Oakland-Based Urban Gardens.
Erin-Kate navigates the world as a non-binary, queer, Latiné, white, multi-ethnic, and Jewish person of color and looks forward to working with organizations and people to build spaces that cultivate healthier environments.
What People Are Saying
“Erin-Kate ran a diversity and equity strategizing session with my full team at the Caltech Career Development Center. Most of my team is new to these ideas. Erin-Kate was able to guide the team towards practical, relevant objectives successfully while handling their questions with grace and maintaining an comfortable professional environment.”
-Claire R.
“The facilitation workshop really helped me with my software engineering job—I held my own in meetings straight off the bat and led to a promotion about two months after I started my job. Your coaching, support, and encouragement facilitated my growth, and I am filled with gratitude for the time and energy you devoted to us.”
— Emily M.

Diversity asks, “Who is in the room?” Equity responds: “Who is trying to get in the room but can’t? Whose presence in the room is under constant threat of erasure?”
-Dr. D-L Stewart