My Methodologies for DEI Consulting

When I work with clients I seek to find organizations, businesses, and people who are also in alignment with the strategies I use to address DEI. I want to share the core methodologies that guide the way I bring DEI services to each client: 

  • I help my clients become comfortable with the discomfort of knowing they will get something “wrong” and they will inevitably “mess up.” I seek to give each client the skills needed to address the harm or challenges they will face. 

  • I support clients in building their confidence in being a part of a  process that is ongoing and consistently working towards goals that match the values of the organization in conjunction with their DEI lens. 

  • I work with clients to track progress in each of the areas we create 

  • We create living, breathing documents that show what they are focused on and how they will get there. 

  • I work with people, teams, and systems toward challenging white supremacy culture. If you haven’t read much about this I suggest a resource called “Divorcing White Supremacy Culture” by Tema Okun) 

  • I center the entire process on the marginalized voices, turning to those who experience the problems directly as experts throughout our process. Learn more about why by exploring the Liberatory Design Approach

  • I prioritize helping make long term systemic changes over seeking profits: ensuring that I  create project based fees that meet the needs of the project and  hold myself to the highest standards process-oriented work.

If these align with your hopes or goals let me know I’d love to see if we are a good match to work together.


Tending to Well-being


Celebrating Rest and Joy one Away Message At a Time